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Shape Up Your Menopause

The secret of how to control your menopause symptoms


  • Do you feel like you can’t remember anything without writing it down?
  • Are you struggling with hot flushes?
  • Are night sweats keeping you awake?
  • Have you lost all your energy?
  • Is this just the start of the long list of what is wrong with your health right now?

Shape Up Your Menopause

SKU: 364215375135191
£497.00 Regular Price
£248.50Sale Price
  • Shape up your menopause is a self-paced, online, journey of small steps to take you from Meno-Confused to Meno-Empowered.


    Every woman has a unique experience of menopause, and this course helps YOU discover YOUR needs and implement solutions that can help YOU.


    Our goal is to help YOU find as many solutions as possible to YOUR menopause symptoms so that you can start Meno-living a happy and positive life again.


    As you can see, I've made this online, easy, fun, course the ultimate solution to understanding YOUR menopause.


    Inside Shape up your menopause, I will guide you through:


    · A journey of self-discovery using a package of tools specifically designed to help you understand your menopausal body so you can create a personal plan tailored to your own lifestyle and needs.


    · A route to getting important structured thoughts back into your life so you can forget memory loss when it comes to your health.


    · A plan to put yourself at the center of your health so you have a purpose to prioritise your own health.


    · A guide to menopause symptoms to help you learn how you are coping with your symptoms and ideas on how to specifically improve these in light of your body and your health.


    · A simple handbook of nutrition facts to help you discover where simple and easy changes can be made immediately to your food choices to improve your symptoms and general wellbeing.


    · A route map to long-term better health and well-being via a structured, self-paced, group-supported month of action.


  • 30-day money back guarantee  for students who have completed less than 5 % of the course.

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