How to Estimate Your Food Portion Sizes. Use this simple image to estimate your food portions. The guidelines on food portion sizes go into great detail and overwhelm with info. For us menopausal ladies we need to keep it simple. The key for us is to max out the vegetables and include some fruit (for every 4 veg have 1 fruit). You can read more about why menopause food portions are important in an article I wrote here.
If you can be mindful of your starchy carbohydrate intake ( potatoes, bread, pasta, cassava, yam etc) then this will give your appetite more room for all the extra vegetables. Start by eating 1/4 less than you normally would and see if you can gradually get your intake to half of what it used to be. So share your portion of cake when you go to a cafe, choose an open sandwich (because that's just one slice of bread) or just half a sandwich and if you need to eat more have a soup. These simple swaps will make an impact on your well-being and you will hardly notice!